7todos is a task management app that helps users organize their tasks and projects. Its purpose is to provide a simple and intuitive interface for creating and managing tasks, projects, and notes. 7todos allows users to create tasks, assign them to projects, and set due dates. It also allows users to create notes and attach them to tasks or projects. 7todos is designed to be used by individuals or teams who want to stay organized and productive.
No triggers available for this app. Do you need one? Contact us.
Action components allow you to perform operations on the app.

Create a Task
Creates a new task in 7todos. For more information, see the docs here.

Create a Workspace
Create a new Workspace. See docs here.

Get Daily Tasks
Get daily tasks from 7todos. For more information, see the docs here.

Update a Task
Updates a task in 7todos. For more information, see the docs here.