Date & Time
Date & Time action and trigger components.
Action components allow you to perform operations on the app.
Add/Subtract Time
Calculates a new date by adding or subtracting a specified amount of time to/from a given date.
Create Date
Creates a date from the given values.
Get Current Date
Gets the current date and time.
Date Difference
Calculates the difference between two dates.
Format Date
Converts Date to Text by formatting it with the given options.
Format Time
Creates a formatted Text from a given Time value
Get Date Properties
Extract information from a date. Result includes year, month number and name, day number and name, hour, minute, second and timestamp.
Get Time of Date
Gets the time of given date.
Get Next Week Day
Gets the next week date from the given date.
Seconds to Time
Converts seconds to time.
Set Time of Date
Sets the time of a given date.
Text to Date
Converts a text to a date.
Time to Seconds
Converts time to seconds.
Timestamp to Date
Converts a timestamp to a date.