List Operations
Action components allow you to perform operations on the app.

Add Item
Adds an item to the list.

Count Items
Counts the number of items in a list.

Create List
Creates a list either empty or with given items.

Filters a list based on given query.

Finds the first item in a list based on given query.

Get Item
Gets an item from a list by its position.

Get Range
Gets a range of the list between given start and end position range.

Get Unique Values
Removes duplicate items from a list.
Join Text
Joins a list of text values into a single text value, joined by a separator.

Merge Lists
Merges two lists into a single list.

Number Range
Returns a list of numbers in the given range.

Remove Item By Position
Removes an item from a list by its position.

Remove List Range
Removes a range of items from a list by given start and end positions.

Reverses the order of items in a list.

Set Item
Sets an item in a list at a given position.

Sort List
Sorts a list by the selected criteria.

Convert To Table
Converts a list of entities to a table.