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⚙️ Automations

All automations are shown in Automations page.

All Automations

Gray, green, yellow and red dotes show the state of each automation.

Automation is not deployed.
Automation is deployed.
Automation is paused.
Automation has errors.

You can run, deploy or pause automation.

Run statistics show the statistics about automation activities and the event history.


With Action button, you can share automation with link or publish it in store.

Actions Button

To create an automation, click either the Create Automation or Create From Template button. The editor page will open.

Attention: To understand how to create automation, please make sure to read about the elements of automation.

Automations consist of components that execute in sequence. On the left side of the editor, you'll find the components panel with various types of components for different purposes.


Drag and drop the component to the editor.

Drag and Drop

An automation always requires a trigger component, which should be the starting point. To create an automation, you must add all necessary components to the editor.

Trigger Components
Trigger Components

Components have input ports on the left and output ports on the right. A component receives data through input ports, performs operations, and provides the result through output ports.

If a component shows a warning sign, it needs configuration. Click the component to open the component widget.

Component's input, output and component widget.

Each component has different type of inputs, outputs and settings.

File input component

Inputs can be provided in two ways: directly in the component widget or by connecting the output of another component. Use the switch to choose the input method.

Switch input

Some components have no input port. You can activate the input as clicking Add Activation Input button.

Add Activation Input

When all inputs are provided, the warning sign disappears and a Run button appears.

Run component

Click the Run button to execute the component. The result is shown in the component widget.

Widget window

Connect the output of the component to an input of the another component by clicking and dragging from the output port to the input port.


Note: You do not have to connect all inputs of a component to another component's output. Only use the necessary ones.

Visit the video to learn how to create automation:

To save automation, you need to give a name and click the Save button.

With a manual trigger, you’ll see a run button on the automation. Click this button to run the automation.

With other triggers, you’ll see a deploy button on the automation. Click this button to deploy the automation.

Run or Deploy Automations

If you update a deployed automation, you need to save it again and click the Re-deploy button.

Re-deploy button after an automation updated

Visit the video to learn how to deploy automation: