Text is one of the most common data types, used for storing everything from names and messages to large bodies of text like blog articles. Text values can vary in length, from a single character to thousands of characters, and can even be empty (known as Empty Text), which occurs when a text input is left blank.
Text Components
Section titled Text ComponentsMonkedo provides a wide range of components for working with text under the Action > Text category. These components let you perform various operations on text values, making it easy to process and manipulate text in your automations. Below are some text components and examples about how to use them. You can view all components in the editor.
Concatenate Texts
Section titled Concatenate TextsThis component allows you to join two text values together, with the option to insert a separator between them. For example, you can concatenate a firstname and a lastname with a space between them to get a full name in the form of "John Doe". In the example, text values are provided as expressions but you can provide them from the output of another component or even provide them as constant values.

Separator is optional and you can use this component to merge two text parts into one such as "$" + [cost] -> $42.
Tip: If you need to concatenate a list of text values with a separator, you can use the Join Text component under List Actions category. Example: "January", "Februrary" and "March" can be joined together with " -> " to get "January -> Februrary -> March".
Most of the time, you can use Text Expressions on the input of a component to concatenate texts instead of using this component.
Text Expressions
Section titled Text ExpressionsText Expressions allow you to concatenate text values without using a dedicated component by clicking the +Expression button that appears when you hover over a component input. After selecting the Text expression type, you can enter your text operation, such as "Hello [client name], this is a reminder for your appointment on [appointmen date] at [appointment time]

As with other expressions, you can mix constants, inputs, and Named Values within Text expressions. The options menu will show all available values, allowing you to easily combine them in your text operations.
Count Text
Section titled Count TextThis component counts the number of characters, words, or lines in a given text. For example, if you input "Hello World", it can return a character count of 11 or a word count of 2.

Cut Text
Section titled Cut TextThe Cut Text component extracts a portion of the text by specifying the start and end positions of the desired part. For instance, in the text "Order#12345", order number starts at 7th character. You can take the part starting from 7th character and beyond to get the order number.
Find In Text
Section titled Find In TextThis component can search for patterns in text such as email addresses, phone numbers, links, dates, and more. For example, you can find and extract all email addresses from a text.
Tip: If the information you want to extract does not have a fixed or common pattern or you want an answer related to the text content, you can use the Ask Question component under ChatGPT category for ChatGPT to extract info or answer your question. Look at the example below. Assume you created an automation that processes customer complaints about products and you need the name of the product from the complaint. The input to the Ask Question component is provided as "Hi, My ABC headphones have no sound. Can I replace it with XYZ brand?" from the previous component.

Here is the output:

Replace Text
Section titled Replace TextThis component replaces specific parts of a text with another value. For example, if you have a template like "Travel from CITY1 to CITY2", you can use Replace Text to dynamically substitute CITY1 and CITY2 with actual city names, such as "Paris" and "London". This component can also be used to remove certain words from a text.
Split Text
Section titled Split TextThe Split Text component divides a text into multiple smaller parts using a separator. For instance, you can split "John Doe" by the space character to separate "John" and "Doe" into two parts. This component is especially useful when you want to import a list of values to your automation. For example, if a list of values are given as a text in the format "Canada, USA, UK, France, Japan", you can use the ", " part as a separator to get each country name individually. Similarly you can divide texts by lines or spaces between words.
Get Text Between
Section titled Get Text BetweenThis component extracts the text that exists between two specified values in a larger text block. For example, in the string "Order: #1234, Status: Shipped", you can extract the order number by getting the text between "Order: #" and ", Status".
Empty Text
Section titled Empty TextThis utility component simply outputs an empty Text (a text value with no characters). If a component requires a text input but you want to leave it empty, you can use the Empty Text component. Connect this component's output to the input you want to leave empty.
Section titled More...Checkout the automation editor to see all available Text components.