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🎬 Component

Components are operations to create automations. Components are divided into categories to help you find what you need easily. On the left side of the editor, you will see the main component categories.

Trigger Components
Trigger Components

Trigger components are the entry points of your automation. They initiate your automation based on a specific event or schedule. Each automation must have exactly one trigger component. Monkedo provides several trigger components:

  • Manual Trigger: Starts your automation manually.

  • Schedule Trigger: Runs your automation at a specific time or interval, ideal for periodic reports or monitoring systems.

  • Webhook Trigger: Initiates automation from software or devices, useful for tasks, data collection, and logging.

  • Email Trigger: Starts automation when an email is received, allowing email processing and automated responses.

  • App-specific Triggers: Initiate automation when an event occurs in an app.


Action components process either the automation flow or user-provided data, providing the outcome of the process to the next components in the automation. Action components are:

  • Math: Mathematical operation components. Perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

  • Text: Components that work with text. Manipulate text, such as splitting, joining, replacing, and converting text.

  • Date and Time: Contains components that work with date and time for instance getting the current date, formatting dates, and date arithmetic.

  • Table Operations: Components that work with table data.

  • List Operations: Components that work with list data.

  • Entity: Components that work with entity data.

  • HTTP: Components that perform HTTP requests and responses, primarily for developers.

  • Email: Components for sending emails and working with email boxes.

  • Conversion: Component to convert quantities like length and weight between units.

  • Miscellaneous: Serve various purposes, such as generating random data and testing components.

  • App-specific Actions: In addition to the built-in action components, Monkedo offers action components for over 400 apps. You can use these components to interact with various apps directly, enabling you to perform app-specific actions and integrate seamlessly with your existing tools.

Flow Control
Flow Control

Flow control components are action components that manage flows. They are useful for more complex automations and allow you to:

  • Conditionally run components based on specific conditions.

  • Repeat a set of components multiple times, such as processing each row in a table.

Data Action
Data Action

Data action components are used to store and retrieve data for later use or in other automations. These components enable persistent data management across automations.

Browser Action
Browser Action

Browser action components are action components that interact with web pages (navigation, accessing page data, interacting with elements such as clicks and form filling on the page).