🗒️ Automation Templates
You can browse the templates created for automations. By clicking the template name, you can view the template details and import it to your account.

Also, you can visit public templates here.
Publish Template Publicly
Section titled Publish Template Publicly
You can publish your automation in the Monkedo store for other users to use as clicking the Publish in Store button near the automation.
To publish, you need to fill out the form and submit it to us for approval.
The shared template will belong to Monkedo. Once the template is approved and published publicly, it cannot be removed from store without Monkedo's approval.
If the automation has been deployed, the "deployed" version will be used to create the template; otherwise, the "editable" version can be used.
Share Template Privately
Section titled Share Template PrivatelyIf you want to share the automation via a link without publishing it in the store, you can click the Share button near the automation and share the temporary link with the desired user.
If the automation has been deployed, the "deployed" version will be used to create the template; otherwise, the "editable" version can be used.