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🧩 Node

Each component placed in the editor is called a node. Therefore, nodes are named with the component that defines them, such as trigger node, browser action node. Automation flows consist of the nodes placed in the editor and the connection between them.

Math Action Component

In the node, there is an icon identifying the component and the category of the component. Below, it is the name of the component. Inputs are shown to the left of the node and outputs to the right. Inputs and outputs have names that describe them. You can change the position of the nodes by drag and drop in the editor.

Date Component
Date Component

A node has 0 or more inputs and at least 1 output.

Node with more than one output

A component can get its inputs from 2 sources:

Connections: When the output of one node is connected to the input of another node, automation works and output of first node transfers as an input to the other node.

Data coming from connection

Component Widget: The detail window (that opens when the block is clicked) allows you to enter a value for the input.

Input form of Delay Action

To ensure that a node can run successfully, you must set all required inputs. If you do not configure these inputs, the node will not execute.

Need Configuration

A properly configured node will appear as shown below:

Configured Node

Understanding data types will help you work with nodes more effectively. When viewing the details of any node, you'll see type information next to each input and output. This indicates that Monkedo components handle input and output data in specific formats.

Example: Consider an add component performing the operation 2 + 3 = 5. If one value is text (e.g., "Apple"), the result will be undefined (denoted as "?") because text cannot be used in mathematical operations.

It is essential to provide the correct data type to the node inputs. Here is a guide to the data types you will encounter:

Text: A sequence of characters, which can represent words, sentences, or emojis. Text can vary in length, including empty text when a field is left blank or all characters are removed.

Number: Represents quantities, scores, or prices. Numbers can be positive, negative, whole, or decimal. Numeric values are often provided as text in forms or spreadsheets, so you may need to convert text to numbers using the "Text to Number" component before performing mathematical operations.

Text to Number

Date: A specific point in time used for deadlines, appointments, or production dates. Dates can also be represented as text and may need conversion using the "Text to Date" component if you plan to perform operations on them.

Date Type

Time: Represents a point in a day using hours, minutes, and seconds without a date component.

File: Allows you to work with documents, images, videos, and other files. Files can be uploaded, retrieved from the internet, or created within the automation flow.

File Data Type

Yes/No: Represents binary values such as on/off, enabled/disabled, or true/false.

Empty: Indicates the absence of data. For example, a Manual Trigger might produce an empty value, signifying that no output is provided.

Entity: Represents properties of an object, such as a product, customer, or task. An entity includes fields with different data types, such as name, price, or email. Entities are commonly encountered when using app components and can be modified by adding, removing, or updating fields.


List: A collection of items identified by their position. Lists can be updated by adding, removing, or modifying items. Each item in a list can be accessed by its position.

Table: A collection of rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet. Each row represents an entity, and each column represents a property. Tables allow you to access rows by position and columns by name, and you can modify tables by adding or removing rows and columns.

For instance, if you retrieve a list of events from Calendly, the data type is a list of entities. Each event is an entity with fields such as name, start time, end time, and location. Name is a text type, while start time is a date in text format, which you may need to convert to a Date value using the "Text to Date" component.

Calendly Data Types

To test data types, you can use the Example Value components under the Miscellaneous in the action components. These components provide example data for each type, allowing you to view and work with sample values.

Example Values